Monday 11 July 2011

Trinity Oil and Gas

As I have mentioned the central hub connecting the Bush and Clinton crime families is Mena Arkansas. With that is drug smuggling CIA Agent Barry Seal. In steps Trinity Oil and Gas.

Trinity Oil and Gas was legally formed and its general counsels were the Little Rock Law Firm of Rose and Hubbel. As a matter of fact, it was one of Web Hubbel's own accounts wherein he was counsel. Hillary Clinton was a partner in the Rose Law firm.

Sidney Wade from Trinity Oil and Gas was sentenced to 17 and a half years in prison for obstruction of justice and money laundering. Hillary Clinton's Rose law firm was also tied to Stephens Inc and BCCI, the CIA money laundering bank.

Vince Foster, who worked with Hillary at the Rose law firm, was found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, DC. Foster had intimate knowledge of the Clintons’ personal finances. Missing billing records from Rose were discovered in Hillary Clinton’s book room at the White House.

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